Thursday, July 18, 2013

Night of day 3/Morning of day 4

Well, last night was our first night in a tent. We rolled into Deschutes Bridge  campground (just outside of Bend, OR) around 9 pm. Everybody got straight to work setting up tents and such. Having camped before, I knew I needed a flat spot to set up a tent. The campground itself has been abandoned so all the spots were free. I finally found one to fit the tent Charlie, Jayla and I would be sleeping in, as well as spots for Monet and Francisco's tents. Jessica let my tent mates use one of her personal tents, and let me tell you, it's not like any tent I've ever seen before. I was the only one in my group that knew how to set up a tent so I got to work and was quickly confronted with an issue. I didn't know how to set up this style of tent! A simple way to describe the tent is "Sydney Opera House" style.  Eventually,  Jessica came over and helped us out. After that we threw all of our stuff in the tent and went back to the main sight and had dinner. After we ate leftovet chilli dogs, sang Brandy happy birthday, and did dishes, Jayla, Charlie and I decided to go to bed. I'm used to having my Dad around when I'm camping and that always makes me feel safe, so this time I was a little bit scared. It didn't help that some people were making references to "The Blair With Project", and for those of you who know me know that I'm a big baby when it comes to those kinds of things.

The night itself was pretty miserable. I forgot my extra blanket in the van and I was in no mood to walk back and get it so i just had my sleeping bag and I got cold Also, only 2 twin sized air mattresses would fit in the tent so we just pushed them together and all piled on. The only problem; the air mattresses kept splitting in the center where our butts went. Jayla was sleep talking again, saying things like "Don't comr after me" and "You're so funny", so that woke me up also.

People have been complaining about the lack of a flushing toilet and running water.  Frankly,  I'm kinda used to it. I'm not afrad to "go" in the woods and I have my baby wipes so its all good.

This morning when I woke up I hurried to put some warm clothes on. Then as everybody else was taking their time getting out of bed, I ate an english muffin,  and some eggs and washed it down with hot chocolate. When we were cleaning up we saw a deer come pretty close to camp. That was prettt cool. Now were on our way to a cave somewhere around Bend. I hope everyone is doing good.

That's all for now but more to come!


  1. Awesome blog! I can't wait to read the next update! :-)

  2. Methinks you don't have time to be homesick lol! Love ya, great blog!
